In Tel Aviv, Bauhaus is part of the urban landscape to such a degree that for its inhabitants it is barely worth talking about something which is considered entirely ordinary and normal. In the same way as visitors to Rome stride from ruin to ruin, shaking their heads and accusing the inhabitants of complete lack regard for their cultural heritage, Tel Aviv equally fails to even remotely maintain its modern achievements.*

In the race** for further developing the Bauhaus to suit the climate, Israel’s zeitgeisty approach is certainly the most creative, be it outdoors*** or indoors****. Where living space comes at a premium, a few degrees are worth cold hard cash. It is still allowed to come up with formally aesthetic solutions.

What as already been created is a viable concept combining residential and commerce, overpopulation and excess of entertainment. But just because architectural heritage in Israel is protected, it is not necessarily safe.*****

*even if relevant publications praise genuine efforts and endeavours
**an unequal race between disparate conditions pertaining to climate and climate change
***Casablanca’s disproportional chimney is 100% used for climate protection yet it is only partly target focused
****fast food chain below, Bauhaus on top
****Detroit’s – hardly voluntary – preference for interior spaces will, sooner or later, have to be measured against cable runs and cable strength.
*****see Rome

Tel Aviv
Sderot Rothschild 37, 85, 95, 113-115
Bilu St 3
Geula St 42
Moshe Hess St 1
Sheva Hashikmim St
Dizengoff St 92
GoGo Girls · Allenby St 50
McDonalds · Sderot Rothschild 33
Moses · Sderot Rothschild 35


Kunstfest Weimar 2019


  • 25-hour-installation
  • framed by two concert interventions


  • 21.30h (23.08.) bis 22.30h (24.08.) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar · Hauptgebäude/Campus/Van-de-Velde-Bau
  • 21.30h (23.08.) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar · Campus
  • 21.30h (24.08.) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar · Campus


  • With inhabitants of Bauhaus from Germany, Lithuania, Morroco, Israel, Portugal, Bulgaria and the United States of America.